How Booksellers Were Complicit in the Resurgence of White Supremacy and the Rise of Donald Trump

When Sean Spicer was given prime billing at BookExpo America and Milo Yiannopoulos tried to publish a book with Simon & Schuster, I churned out 40 pages of text about free speech, white supremacy, and independent bookstores over the next several months, returning to it now and then as a salve or outlet for my […] Continue reading at 'Literrary Hub'

[ Literrary Hub | 2021-05-27 08:54:54 UTC ]
News tagged with: #white supremacy #sean spicer #milo yiannopoulos #simon schuster #free speech #independent bookstores #bookexpo america

Other Publishing stories related to: 'How Booksellers Were Complicit in the Resurgence of White Supremacy and the Rise of Donald Trump' picks Rising Stars

Written By: Charlotte Williams has selected books published by Myriad Editions, Fig Tree, Atlantic Books and Simon & Schuster as its four Rising Stars for this quarter. Snowdrops by A D Miller (Atlantic Books) is currently the featured book, with a Q&A with Miller on the... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2011-02-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
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High Impact Ads on the Rise for MPA Members

While it may not apply to overall advertising budgets, "big" was in for individual ad pages that ran in MPA member magazines in 2010. According to data collected by MagazineRadar, high-impact ads that ran on heavy stock were up 19 percent in 2010 and the actual ad size increased as well: the... Continue reading at Folio Magazine

[ Folio Magazine | 2011-01-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
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