Hope Is the Most Powerful Arrow: A Conversation with Joshua Wong and Jason Y. Ng, by Tiffany Hawk

Interviews Tiffany Hawk In 2012, at sixteen years old, Joshua Wong and the pro-democracy student group he founded took on the Hong Kong government, mobilized more than one hundred thousand student protesters, and surprised the world by successfully convincing leaders to scrap a new Communist-sponsored curriculum. At seventeen, Wong helped lead pro-democracy protests that occupied Central Hong Kong for seventy-nine tear-gas-soaked days, earning him a Pulitzer Peace Prize nomination, two stints in jail, the cover of Time magazine, and a Netflix documentary—Joshua: Teenager vs. Superpower. Now, in his newly released book, Unfree Speech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act Now, Wong implores international audiences to fight tyranny before it’s too late. He was joined in writing the book by fellow activist Jason Y. Ng, a lawyer, newspaper columnist, and author whose own book, Umbrellas in Bloom: Hong Kong’s Occupy Movement Uncovered, depicts earlier waves of protest and the political fault lines that have led to the current crisis. The three of us corresponded over email to talk writing, the threats posed by growing authoritarianism, why hope is our strongest defense, and why the people of Hong Kong—who have much to teach the world about the spirit of community—are the real story. Tiffany Hawk: Your just-released book, Unfree Speech: The Threat to Global Democracy and Why We Must Act Now, is part memoir and part... Continue reading at 'World Literature Today'

[ World Literature Today | 2020-03-23 16:00:04 UTC ]

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