I work as the bookstore manager for a bookstore in the Hudson Valley and one of the things that means is that I handle not only the ordering of most of our books, but the unboxing of them as well. I get to put hands (or at least eyes) on basically every book that comes […] Continue reading at 'Literrary Hub'
[ Literrary Hub | 2024-10-24 14:25:11 UTC ]
Today is the 50th anniversary of the release of Robert Caro’s The Power Broker: Robert Moses and the Fall of New York (Fact #1). The book remains incredibly popular—it’s currently in its 74th printing and has has never been out of print in hardcover or paperback (#2), despite Caro initially... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2024-09-16 16:00:08 UTC ]
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The Southern California Independent Bookstore Bestsellers list for Sunday, Sept. 15, 2024, including hardcover and paperback fiction and nonfiction. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2024-09-11 13:00:58 UTC ]
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The Southern California Independent Bookstore Bestsellers list for Sunday, Sept. 8, 2024, including hardcover and paperback fiction and nonfiction. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2024-09-04 13:00:08 UTC ]
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A sweetly situated bookstore and its bookseller in France leads Richard Charkin to speculate on job titles in publishing. The post Richard Charkin in France: What’s in a Name? appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives
[ Publishing Perspectives | 2024-08-30 19:45:11 UTC ]
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Evan Friss’ The Bookshop, Katherine Bucknell’s Christopher Isherwood: Inside Out, and Alexis Pauline Gumbs’ Survival Is a Promise: The Eternal Life of Audre Lorde all feature among the best reviewed books of the month. Brought to you by Book Marks, Lit Hub’s home for book reviews. * 1. The... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2024-08-30 08:56:41 UTC ]
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The Southern California Independent Bookstore Bestsellers list for Sunday, Sept. 1, 2024, including hardcover and paperback fiction and nonfiction. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2024-08-28 13:00:32 UTC ]
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Penguin Random House has announced the forthcoming paperback edition of the Duke of Sussex’s memoir, which will be released in the U.S. on October 22. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2024-08-26 04:00:00 UTC ]
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The story of the sale of a bookstore heiress’s penthouse seems to have ended on a bittersweet note.Stephanie Riggio Bulger, whose father, Len Riggio, is the former chairman of the Barnes & Noble retail chain, has finally found a taker for her four-bedroom duplex condo in Chelsea after two... Continue reading at Crains New York
[ Crains New York | 2024-08-22 15:41:31 UTC ]
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The Southern California Independent Bookstore Bestsellers list for Sunday, Aug. 25, 2024, including hardcover and paperback fiction and nonfiction. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2024-08-21 13:00:54 UTC ]
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“Although Nazis were more famous for burning books, they also sold them.” Evan Friss on when the Nazis opened a propaganda bookstore in Los Angeles. | Lit Hub Bookstores Get ready for the literary film and TV you need to watch this fall. | Lit Hub Film “He was not one of those people who […] Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2024-08-21 10:30:24 UTC ]
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In the first half of the twentieth century, radical bookstores took many forms and often served as part of larger, multichannel campaigns. Nazis, as well as Communists and Socialists, organized festivals and parades, dances and concerts, and schools and camps to disseminate critiques of American... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2024-08-21 08:56:24 UTC ]
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Bookstore Romance Day, held last Saturday, has grown to include 550 bookstores, up from 150 stores when it was founded in 2019. It now offers online events and giveaways from Libro.fm, in addition to in-store promotions. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2024-08-21 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Christie’s auction house is extending its sizeable lease at Rockefeller Center for another 25 years, landlord Tishman Speyer announced Tuesday. It’s a significant win for an older office complex whose peers have struggled to retain tenants.Christie’s American headquarters at 20 Rockefeller Plaza... Continue reading at Crains New York
[ Crains New York | 2024-08-20 15:35:35 UTC ]
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5 to 9 Books, a new online-only bookstore run through Bookshop.org and Libro.fm, aims to help burned out professionals and new retirees cope with the stresses of life by introducing them to new hobbies and feeding their passions. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly
[ Publishers Weekly | 2024-08-19 04:00:00 UTC ]
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The bookstore bar aspires to combine two beloved things: wine and stacks. Though people have been pairing vittles and pages as long as either have existed, the retail trend has taken off in recent years. As Melissa Kravitz Hoeffner reported in Eater this week, the book bar creates “a third... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2024-08-16 17:01:25 UTC ]
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The Southern California Independent Bookstore Bestsellers list for Sunday, Aug. 18, 2024, including hardcover and paperback fiction and nonfiction. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2024-08-14 13:00:11 UTC ]
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Top up your beach tote, register for the "Authors for Harris" virtual fundraiser, and dig into the changing definition of thrillers. Continue reading at Book Riot
[ Book Riot | 2024-08-09 20:26:04 UTC ]
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What do you think about these YA paperback cover redesigns? That, plus this week's YA book news. Continue reading at Book Riot
[ Book Riot | 2024-08-08 15:15:00 UTC ]
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The Ubik bookstore in Syracuse's Ortigia district has reopened under new management ahead of Italy 's guest of honor turn at Frankfurt. The post Italy: A New Ubik Bookstore on Sicily’s Island of Ortigia appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives
[ Publishing Perspectives | 2024-08-07 15:14:55 UTC ]
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The Southern California Independent Bookstore Bestsellers list for Sunday, Aug. 11, 2024, including hardcover and paperback fiction and nonfiction. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times
[ Los Angeles Times | 2024-08-07 13:00:44 UTC ]
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