Harriet Harman: 'The Daily Mail should be apologising, not me'

Labour deputy leader claims paper's associate editor has admitted she was never an apologist for paedophiliaHarriet Harman has again called on the Daily Mail to "apologise and put the record straight" over its claims she turned a blind eye to a paedophile lobbying group in the 1970s.The Labour deputy leader and shadow culture secretary said on Wednesday there was no reason to say sorry for working for the National Council for Civil Liberties (NCCL), after the Mail published a series of stories about the group's links to the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) between 1975 and 1983.She said she had never met PIE's former chairman Tom O'Carroll, who challenged the idea in an interview on Tuesday night that he was sidelined from 1976.He said PIE was tolerated in the NCCL because it was among the "radical and liberal forces" in the organisation that the ambitious politicians could not afford to alienate.Harman told reporters outside the Oxford Media Convention on Wednesday: "That is absolutely not true."PIE were a loathsome organisation and in 1976 NCCL took them on and pushed them to the margins."That was the case before I actually went to work for NCCL."I never even met Tom O'Carroll, I had never done any work with what was called the gay rights committee at that time which he sat on. He had no influence over my work at all."Harman said: "I absolutely object to the suggestion that I was ever an apologist for paedophilia or Tom O'Carroll or anybody."The Daily Mail... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2014-02-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
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