Give female historians the credit we deserve | Letters

Flattered though I was to be praised by David Kynaston (Move over history boys, Review, 6 February), this piece misses the problem. Women do write history; the issue is why they are neglected. The academic profession needs to address this. Historians who want an academic job or promotion often publish with academic presses: these have kudos, but their books can be exorbitantly expensive. My next book – a history of social mobility – is with Chatto, because I want a wide readership. But I hold a secure, senior post, while most female scholars do not – only 20% of UK professors are women.The media is also to blame for a narrow, elitist view of what constitutes history. Books by women including Alexandra Shepard, Jane Humphries, Lisa Mckenzie, Carolyn Steedman and Pat Thane have changed our understanding of working-class life over the past five centuries. But reviews editors treat working-class history as memoir or political commentary: “real” history is written by and about the middle or upper classes. Working-class women in particular are neglected, as scholars or as our subjects. We’re discussing the role of gatekeepers like journalists and publishers at a seminar on Women and Publishing on 22 February at St Hilda’s College, Oxford: free tickets are available from the college website.Selina ToddProfessor of modern history, University of Oxford Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2016-02-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
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[ The New York Times | 2020-06-17 09:00:00 UTC ]
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