Former Republican congressman says Murdoch's media outlets fuelling 'climate rejectionism'

Bob Inglis tells Australian thinktank that Fox News and Wall Street Journal are holding back progress on climate A former Republican congressman has blamed Rupert Murdoch’s media outlets for fuelling “climate rejectionism” among conservatives, suggesting they could be part of the reason why the United States is failing to lead the world to tackle global heating.Bob Inglis, a former South Carolina congressman who has renounced his previous climate denialism and now leads a group seeking to rally conservatives to act, questioned the role of News Corp and Fox Corporation during an event hosted by the Australia Institute. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2020-10-14 08:57:17 UTC ]
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Oxford Media Convention: Trinity Mirror's Sly Bailey on the 'need to educate' Hunt

Sly Bailey, the chief executive of newspaper publisher Trinity Mirror, has issued cutting criticism of the culture secretary Jeremy Hunt's understanding of the full media issues regarding News Corporation's relationship to BSkyB. Continue reading at Media Week

[ Media Week | 2011-01-19 00:00:00 UTC ]
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