Facebook Instant Articles Launches on Android

We’re excited to announce that everyone who uses the Facebook for Android app can now read thousands of Instant Articles every day in News Feed from publishers worldwide. Combined with our recent launch of Instant Articles to everyone on Fa ... Continue reading at 'Editor & Publisher'

[ Editor & Publisher | 2015-12-16 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Two British historians among finalists for $75k Cundill History Prize

The $75,000 Cundill History Prize – the largest prize for a work of non-fiction in English, open to publishers worldwide – has announced three "outstanding" women as its finalists for 2019, two of whom are British. Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2019-10-16 22:25:10 UTC ]
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[ Publishers Weekly | 2016-04-15 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Audible app integrates with Android Auto for easier listening while on the road

Your next cruise down the highway may be more enjoyable if you have Amazon’s Audible app and Android Auto.The audiobook app now works with Google’s car interface so you can more easily fire up a book and use the Android Auto interface to control playback. The update allows you to fine tune... Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2016-02-10 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Instant Articles Launches to Everyone on Android, with More Than 350 Publications Globally

We’re excited to announce that everyone who uses the Facebook for Android app can now read thousands of Instant Articles every day in News Feed from publishers worldwide. Combined with our recent launch of Instant Articles to everyone on Fa ... Continue reading at Editor & Publisher

[ Editor & Publisher | 2015-12-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Facebook Instant Articles Launches on Android

We’re excited to announce that everyone who uses the Facebook for Android app can now read thousands of Instant Articles every day in News Feed from publishers worldwide. Combined with our recent launch of Instant Articles to everyone on Fa ... Continue reading at Editor & Publisher

[ Editor & Publisher | 2015-12-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Read thousands of comic books with a Scribd subscription

Scribd's monthly subscription includes unlimited access to its library of audio and ebooks, and as of today, you can add comics to that list. The service announced that it added over 10,000 comic books for leisurely reading, and the more visually st... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2015-02-11 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Facebook allows edits for typos and botched auto-corrects

Facebook’s website and its Android app now will allow users to make changes to posts after they have been published. iOS users, coming soon for you. Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2013-09-27 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Kindle for Android app updated with library sorting, keeps a watchful eye on remaining read time

Amazon's Android-flavored reading app is offering up a couple more of its own e-reader's features for those with Google-fied devices. Just like folks with Kindles have already encountered, the Kindle for Android app now keeps tabs on time remaining in both chapter and book should pace be of... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-08-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Google News in Germany asks publishers to opt-in for indexing, sidesteps copyright fees

Despite its "Defend Your Net" campaign last year, Google was unable to fully put the brakes on changes to German copyright law that may mean it has to pay up for news excerpts it indexes. As a result, the company announced that unlike the other 60 countries where Google News operates by relying... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2013-06-22 00:00:00 UTC ]
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In Japan, Kindle May Finally Push Publishers Into E-books

Like Kobo, Amazon's Japan ebookstore is hampered by limited title selection, but the recent launch will motivate publishers to finally digitize their catalogs. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2012-11-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Sony launches web store for e-Books, Android app also gets refresh

Sony has decided to join the web-based shopping party, launching an online reader store for its e-inked devices and companion apps. Any e-Books purchased will arrive ready-to-read on the Reader app or other suitably wireless device, with titles also working on any Adobe DRM-supported apps and... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2012-06-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Amazon Kindle for Android Now Honeycomb Optimized

Amazon has tweaked its Kindle for Android app to run optimally on tablets running Android 3.0 Honeycomb. Continue reading at Editor & Publisher

[ Editor & Publisher | 2011-04-22 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Orange offers 23k ebooks for sale via Android app

Written By: Charlotte Williams Publication Date: Thu, 17/03/2011 - 06:47 Orange has launched an ebook app for Android, with a "one-click buy" system which directly bills a user's Orange account. But the app will not be available on Apple's iPhone or iPad devices at the same time because of the... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2011-03-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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