Donald Trump's niece Mary set to publish explosive book about her family

Too Much and Never Enough, due in August, is expected to detail her role as primary source for exposé of the president’s tax affairsDonald Trump’s niece, Mary Trump, will publish a “harrowing and salacious” book about the president this August, according to reports.The Daily Beast revealed on Monday that Mary Trump, the daughter of Donald Trump’s late brother Fred Trump Jr, will release Too Much and Never Enough with Simon & Schuster on 11 August. The timing, a few weeks before this year’s Republican National Convention, means any revelations could be particularly damaging for the president. The book is expected to lay out how she was a primary source for the New York Times’ Pulitzer-winning investigation into Donald Trump’s “dubious tax schemes” during the 1990s and will share “harrowing and salacious” stories about the US president. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2020-06-15 12:17:31 UTC ]

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