DOJ Urges Supreme Court to Deny Apple’s E-book Appeal

In an opposition brief filed on December 23, the U.S. Department of Justice urged the Supreme Court not to hear Apple’s appeal in the long-running ebook price-fixing case. Continue reading at 'Publishers Weekly'

[ Publishers Weekly | 2015-12-31 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #e-book appeal #deny apple #supreme court #hear apple

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'E-books can't be resold', rules German court

A German court has ruled that digital books cannot be resold by purchasers. The German District... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2013-04-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple adds Breakout Books to the iBookstore to spotlight the self-published

As glad as we are that digital bookstores let authors skip the usual gatekeepers, that doesn't help much if they can't get noticed. Apple is giving those self-publishing writers more of a chance to shine with the launch of a permanent Breakout Books section in the US iBookstore. The section... Continue reading at Engadget

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Amazon wins EU ebook pricing battle with Apple and major book publishers

The European Union has accepted an offer from Apple and four major publishers to reduce pricing restrictions on content offered at Amazon and other book-sellers. After being caught out by the EU, we heard that the offer was likely to be adopted last month, and the commission has now confirmed... Continue reading at Engadget

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Patent Grants Apple Ownership Over E-book “Page Turn”

A patent, titled “Display screen or portion thereof with animated graphical user interface,” gives Apple the exclusive right to the page turn in an e-reader application. Continue reading at Publishing Perspectives

[ Publishing Perspectives | 2012-11-25 00:00:00 UTC ]
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EU regulators to accept Apple and book publishers' offer of cheaper ebooks

According to Reuters, EU regulators look likely to accept an offer from Apple and a handful of publishers, including Simon & Schuster, HarperCollins, Hachette Livre and Macmillan. The assembled publishers propose that they will allow retailers (including Amazon) to sell ebooks cheaper than... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2012-11-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple blasts the DOJ's proposed ebook price settlement

Apple called the DOJ's proposed settlement to the ebook price fixing case 'fundamentally unfair, unlawful, and unprecedented.' Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor

[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2012-08-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Publishers and Apple hit back at DOJ

Publishers and Apple fighting the US' Department of Justice over agency pricing have hit back... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2012-08-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple Wants DOJ to Wait Till End of Trial for Settlement With Three Publishers

Apple has opposed a government proposed judgment in an ebooks price-fixing lawsuit, stating that the judgement seeks to terminate and rewrite its contracts... Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2012-08-16 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Court lets Google appeal ebooks class status

Google has won the right to appeal the granting of class status to thousands of authors suing the search engine company over its ambitious plan to create the world's largest digital books library. Continue reading at Stuff

[ Stuff | 2012-08-15 00:00:00 UTC ]
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E-book price fixing trial set for 2013: Apple, Macmillan and Penguin prepare for courtroom brawl

The Justice Department meant business when it accused Apple and five other publishers of price-rigging ebooks, and are officially taking Cupertino and two publishers to court. In a hearing on Friday, Judge Denise Cote set a bench trial for June 3, 2012, putting Apple, Macmillan and Penguin Group... Continue reading at Engadget

[ Engadget | 2012-06-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Media Decoder Blog: Attacking Amazon, Authors Group Urges Opposition to E-Book Settlement

The Authors Guild is encouraging its 8,500 members to submit comments against the proposed settlement between the Department of Justice and three large publishers. The settlement, the guild argues, will only benefit Amazon. Continue reading at The New York Times

[ The New York Times | 2012-06-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Penguin and Macmillan Deny e-Book Price Fixing

In response to a Justice Department lawsuit, the two book publishers denied any price fixing for ebooks and accuse Amazon of engaging in anticompetitive behavior. Continue reading at The New York Times

[ The New York Times | 2012-05-31 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple Claims US Government Sides With Monopoly in E-book Case

The U.S. government has sided with monopoly rather than competition in bringing a case of ebook price-fixing against Apple, the company said in a filing on... Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2012-05-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple E-Book Lawsuit: Steve Jobs Swayed Publisher, Complaint Alleges

The complaint says that Jobs was enlisted to sell high-ranking officials in the publisher’s parent company on the wisdom of the proposed pricing scheme. Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2012-05-15 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple vs. Amazon: Who Is Really Fixing E-Book Prices?

A brouhaha is shaping up: Apple and book publishers square off against Amazon and the DOJ over the price of an ebook. Who's right?'s Tom Kaneshige looks back to a Whiz Kid from the '90s for answers. Continue reading at PC World

[ PC World | 2012-04-18 00:00:00 UTC ]
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The Coming Book Wars: Apple vs. Amazon vs. Google vs. the U.S.

Unresolved conflicts among publishers, sellers, libraries, and the U.S. Justice Department cloud the future of the publishing industry. Continue reading at The Atlantic

[ The Atlantic | 2012-04-17 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple denies price-fixing charges on ebooks

The company says it allows publishers to set their own prices. Several antitrust lawsuits have accused former chief Steve Jobs of inflating prices of new releases and bestsellers.Apple Inc., responding for the first time to antitrust charges levied against it and five major book publishers this... Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2012-04-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple denies it conspired to raise ebook prices

Apple Inc. says the accusation that it conspired with major book publishers to raise the price of ebooks is untrue.Apple spokesman Tom Neumayr says that, contrary to allegations in lawsuits by the Justice Department and 15 states, Apple fostered innovation and competition by introducing its... Continue reading at Crains New York

[ Crains New York | 2012-04-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Apple: E-book price-fixing accusation 'simply not true'

Apple Inc.  is denying antitrust charges filed against it and five major book publishers this week that accuse the companies of a price-fixing scheme to inflate the prices paid for electronic books. Continue reading at Los Angeles Times

[ Los Angeles Times | 2012-04-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
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Penguin c.e.o Makinson to DoJ 'see you in court'

Penguin chief executive John Makinson has said the Department of Justice's document alleging... Continue reading at The Bookseller

[ The Bookseller | 2012-04-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
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