Did Preacher Finally Find a Home at AMC?

It's been a long way for Preacher from the comic book page to the small screen, but an adaptation of the salty DC Comics horror/Western book (formerly with DC's corporate sibling HBO) might finally be getting closer to full-fledged production, this time at AMC. A tip was first reported by Badass Digest on Saturday, with geek-culture blog 13th Dimension publishing a third-hand story about an encounter at a comic book store with network group COO Ed Carroll. All this is to say that there appears to be something going on with the property at AMC, though the network didn't offer any comment. Badass Digest claimed that the network had already inked a full-fledged pilot order; that would be quite a ways out of character for AMC, which has been very slow to green-light new scripted series and has made much of every script deal along the way. From what Adweek is hearing, Preacher does appear to be in development. It just remains to be seen what stage the project is in, and who's attached. One person claiming to be part of the show is Seth Rogen, who tweeted, "Looks like about seven of years of hard work are about to pay off. I may get to bring one of my favourite [sic] stories ever to life." The next tweet was names of characters from the series—Arseface, John Wayne, and the Saint of Killers. It's been in development many times since the comic book was running in the late 1990's, notably with Mark Stephen Johnson attached to an HBO series, and then with Sam Mendes signed on to... Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2013-11-19 00:00:00 UTC ]
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