Tom Baldwin’s account of the abusive relationship with the truth in media and politics is lucid, punchy and often funnyLet’s begin with the parable of the triple-breasted woman. A couple of years in advance of Donald Trump’s arrival at the White House and before the term “fake news” had caught on, a Florida woman calling herself Jasmine Tridevil made headlines around the world by posting pictures of herself with a third breast. Claiming she had undergone this unusual implant surgery in the hope of landing a reality TV show, her story was propagated by a spectrum of media including New York magazine, BuzzFeed, the New York Post, the Toronto Sun, Fox News, CBS Tampa, the Daily Mirror and the Daily Telegraph.As you will have surmised, the story was an invention by a woman whose website boasted that it was the “provider of internet hoaxes”. Tom Baldwin remarks: “The reason why so many respectable news organisations would run it anyway is because it was flying around the internet and the prospect of a few hundred thousand clicks was too tempting to waste time with checks.” This is one of many arresting examples that he cites in support of his contention that the battle for our eyeballs has debased a click-chasing media and led to even worse from vote-chasing politicians. Related: Elizabeth Denham: ‘Data crimes are real crimes’ Something rotten was incubating long before Russian troll farms and cyber hate speech Related: Facebook fined for data breaches in Cambridge Analytica... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'
[ The Guardian | 2018-07-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
Unwanted variations in judgments undermine fairness and can waste time and money. Continue reading at The Washington Post
[ The Washington Post | 2021-05-21 07:18:00 UTC ]
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Tom Baldwin’s account of the abusive relationship with the truth in media and politics is lucid, punchy and often funnyLet’s begin with the parable of the triple-breasted woman. A couple of years in advance of Donald Trump’s arrival at the White House and before the term “fake news” had caught... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2018-07-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
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When the chief brand officer from the largest advertiser in the world announces that they don't "want to waste time and money on a crappy media supply chain," even those of us just outside digital media in packaging may feel a little twinge of dread in our stomachs.If you missed it a few weeks... Continue reading at Advertising Age
[ Advertising Age | 2017-03-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
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