Bringing Light to the Situation of Kurdish Women: Chinur Sa’idi’s Hobbies of Mr. Like-a-Man, 
by Zakarya Bezdoode

Book Reviews Statue of renowned Kurdish historian, author, and poet Mastoureh Ardalan (1805–1848) in Erbil / Photo by Levi Meir Clancy / Unsplash Even though they appear to have a lot to say about the historical, political, cultural, and literary situation of the Middle East, Kurdish female novelists and short-story writers have remained unknown to an international readership and hence have not been included in the case studies of scholars in the aforementioned fields. We know that Kurds have played a significant role in the history of the Middle East, and rarely has there been a historical and political event in the past decades—even past centuries—in the Middle East in which Kurds have not been in one way or another involved. A review of the history of the Middle East in the past century very significantly delineates this. One of these women writers is Chinur Sa’idi who, having majored in philosophy and living as a human rights activist in the past decade, has written three collections of short stories. Sa’idi has published three collections of short stories: in 2006, 2012, and 2018. One can see a line of development in her career that shows she has become more professional and concerned about the significant historical, political, and cultural issues in the area. In her most recent collection, The Hobbies of Mr. Like-a-Man (Gotar, 2018), she has come to be more unified, touching, and emotive. The short stories of this... Continue reading at 'World Literature Today'

[ World Literature Today | 2022-02-23 21:05:41 UTC ]

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by Zakarya Bezdoode"

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