Amazon will knock an extra $20 off if you buy two Kindles

Kindle e-readers are already on sale for Prime Day, but the offer just got sweeter if you're looking to buy more than one. Amazon is offering an additional $20 off if you buy two of the latest Kindle Paperwhite or Kindle Oasis devices, including variants like the Kids models. You can get a reader for a loved one at a steep discount, for instance, or start your holiday shopping early.Buy Kindle Paperwhite - $80 each for 2We called the Kindle Paperwhite the best e-reader you can get, and for good reason. It offers an exceptionally easy-to-read display and wireless charging in a high-quality design. You have your choice of capacities, too, while the Kids editions include a 2-year "worry-free" warranty, a cover and a year's subscription to Kids+ content. The Kindle Oasis, meanwhile, is the higher-end model with an auto-adjusting light, page turn buttons and free cellular data for grabbing books away from WiFi.If there's a catch, it's that these e-readers won't appeal to everyone. The upcoming Kindle Scribe is the spare-no-expense option with pen support and a big 10.2-inch display. At the other end of the spectrum, the new base model is easier to carry. At sale prices, though, the Paperwhite and Oasis are easy choices if you're eager to share your love of reading with someone else.Get the latest Amazon Prime Day offers by following @EngadgetDeals on Twitter and subscribing to the Engadget Deals newsletter. Continue reading at 'Engadget'

[ Engadget | 2022-10-12 13:30:31 UTC ]
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