Amazon's Kindle e-readers learn some new tricks -- download the update now!

I get it -- you own a tablet and don't think you need a dedicated e-ink based e-reader. While I respect your opinion, I must tell you that it is wrong. Sure, reading a book on a back-lit LCD display is passable, but hardly a good experience. Not only can this be fatiguing to your eyes, but most tablets are unusable as a reader in direct sunlight. If you read a lot, you want to go e-ink. So yes, there are benefits in owning an e-ink based e-reader, and quite frankly, it is affordable. Amazon's entry-level reader is a paltry… [Continue Reading] Continue reading at 'Betanews'

[ Betanews | 2014-11-14 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #direct sunlight

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