Amazon is officially killing the Comixology app, forcing users over to Kindle

Amazon has begun notifying Comixology users that they’ll no longer be able to read comics on the app come December 4. Comixology is merging with the Kindle app, and users’ libraries will soon only be accessible via the latter. The move caps off the ruination of Comixology that began nearly two years ago, when Amazon started chipping away at the platform’s native features and general usability in order to force a fit with its own ecosystem. The Comixology app will officially be dead as of December 4, according to Amazon. From that point on, all of the comics, manga and graphic novels a user has purchased or borrowed on Comixology will live exclusively in the Kindle app. While Amazon says things like reading progress will be synced, you’ll have to redownload everything in the Kindle app if you want to pick up where you left off, even on the same device. There are filters to see “Comics & Manga” or “Books” only, for anyone not thrilled about having it all jumbled together. The writing was on the wall for Comixology for some time, and while the termination of the app may not entirely come as a surprise for longtime users, it’s surely a bummer. Amazon has owned Comixology since 2014, but only in recent years has it really started to impose its influence on the product in a noticeable way. ICYMI: We’ve shared an important update regarding the comics reading experience -- the Comixology app is merging into the Kindle app, including all the features... Continue reading at 'Engadget'

[ Engadget | 2023-11-15 21:39:11 UTC ]
News tagged with: #graphic novels #reading progress #important update #specific titles #moving forward #remain intact #manga #libraries #kindle

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