Adams' $112B budget takes sunny view but rebuffs council push for more money

Mayor Eric Adams announced a revised $111.6 billion budget plan on Wednesday that avoids new spending cuts and increases estimates of the city’s tax haul, reflecting his administration’s increasingly sunny view of New York’s finances. But the proposal rebuffs the City Council’s request to undo far more of the billions of dollars in cuts he has ordered since last year, setting the stage for a tug-of-war with lawmakers in the coming weeks.The budget restores $80 million for childhood programs, cultural organizations and police classes that he had previously cut starting last year, when he warned that the migrant crisis and shrinking federal aid would lead to alarming shortfalls in the coming years. And City Hall says it has staved off the need for further cuts thanks to an improving economy, money from the state and its own efforts to pare down spending, especially on migrants — although critics have charged that the administration overstated the need for the initial cuts in the first place.“Thanks to our discipline and prudent approach, we’re able to invest in the things that matter to New Yorkers,” Adams said in a City Hall speech on Wednesday. The mayor has made a show in recent months of reversing some of the cuts he ordered beginning in November, no doubt conscious of polls that showed his approval rating plummeting amid widespread disapproval of his budgeting.Adams’ executive budget, which has grown compared to his $109 billion January plan, will serve as a framework... Continue reading at 'Crains New York'

[ Crains New York | 2024-04-24 16:53:57 UTC ]
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