ABA Goes into Damage Control Mode After Contentious WI2025 Community Forum

The American Booksellers Association used a dedicated issue of its weekly Bookselling This Week newsletter to address a host of issues raised during a contentious community forum during Winter Institute last week. Continue reading at 'Publishers Weekly'

[ Publishers Weekly | 2025-03-07 05:00:00 UTC ]

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Publish Nazi newsletters on your platform, Substack, and you will rightly be damned | John Naughton

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[ The Guardian | 2024-01-06 16:00:14 UTC ]
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Good news: there are more bookstores in the US this year than last.

Today in good news, the American Booksellers Association announced that membership is at its highest level in 20 years. Per reporting by Hillel Italie at the Associated Press: The ABA added 173 members last year, and now has 2,185 bookstore businesses and 2,599 locations. Three years after the... Continue reading at Literrary Hub

[ Literrary Hub | 2023-05-22 15:55:36 UTC ]
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Independent bookselling expanded again in 2022, with new and diverse stores opening nationwide

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[ ABC News | 2023-05-22 13:34:43 UTC ]
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Independent bookselling expanded again in 2022, with new and diverse stores opening nationwide

The independent bookselling community continues to grow, with membership in the American Booksellers Association reaching its highest levels in more than 20 years Continue reading at ABC News

[ ABC News | 2023-05-22 13:32:22 UTC ]
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Remembering Pat Schroeder

Tina Jordan, deputy editor of the 'New York Times Book Review,' and former Macmillan CEO John Sargent share memories of working with the former American Booksellers Association CEO over 12 very active years. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-03-24 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Expedition Press Delivers Poetry on a Grand Scale

Myrna Keliher, founder of letterpress studio Expedition Press, unveiled a 40-foot-long, four-foot-tall plywood mural at Winter Institute with the phrase "i continue to continue." Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-03-03 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Winter Institute 2023: All Our Coverage

PW was on the ground in Seattle at the first in-person Winter Institute the American Booksellers Association has held since 2020. Here's all our coverage of the show, including our annual preview. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-02-24 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Wi2023: This Year's Winter Institute Had Something for Everyone

Winter Institute 2023, held in Seattle, was the American Booksellers Association's largest ever, and the first in person since 2020. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-02-24 05:00:00 UTC ]
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WI2023: ABA' s Winter Institute Has Big Turnout

The American Booksellers Association's Winter Institute in Seattle attracted a total of 1,600 people, of which 900 were booksellers. The large number of new booksellers drew an enthusiastic response from exhibitors, while the ABA urged booksellers to contribute more data to help it in its advocacy. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-02-24 05:00:00 UTC ]
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When my memoir came out, I got a brutal shock. Vulnerable writers need protection | Terri White

Nothing prepared me for revisiting the most painful times of my life – then being criticised for it. We need industry-wide guidelines to helpI called her Terri The World Gets. She was the outward-facing me, the woman I’d spent decades curating. And Terri The World Gets was about to be rocketed... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2023-02-08 08:00:10 UTC ]
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WI18: Indie Booksellers Reunite at Winter Institute 18

Winter Institute will be larger than ever, with 1,400 booksellers, publishers, vendors, and authors meeting in person for the first time since 2020. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2023-02-03 05:00:00 UTC ]
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‘Let the fun begin!’ Why did romance writer Susan Meachen fake her own death? | Arwa Mahdawi

Two years after her apparent suicide, the novelist has announced she is still very much alive. Is this what it takes to sell books nowadays?‘All publicity is good publicity,” Susan Meachen thought to herself as she prepared to stage her suicide. In September 2020, Meachen, the self-published... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2023-01-11 07:00:12 UTC ]
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I could not believe how bravely Salman Rushdie faced the threats to his life. That’s true courage | Hadley Freeman

In our conversations and emails, his determination to not let the fatwa define him has been evidentThat Salman Rushdie was nearly murdered at an event in New York while talking about whether the United States was a safe haven for exiled writers is an irony he’d have rejected as too far-fetched... Continue reading at The Guardian

[ The Guardian | 2022-08-14 12:39:00 UTC ]
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ABA Rolls Out IndieCommerce 2.0

Starting on July 25, the American Booksellers Association will begin a phased rollout of new IndieCommerce 2.0 websites. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2022-07-21 04:00:00 UTC ]
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ABA Holds Annual Meeting and Town Hall

For the third year running, the American Booksellers Association held its annual meeting and town hall virtually. More than 260 booksellers participated, and discussions ranged from free speech issues to consolidation within the industry. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2022-07-15 04:00:00 UTC ]
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ABA to Debut Virtual Children's Conference

The American Booksellers Association is launching a Virtual Children’s Institute on July 13; the daylong digital event includes online education sessions, bookseller idea exchanges, and keynote speeches. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2022-05-19 04:00:00 UTC ]
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Snow Days 2022: Cincinnati Bookstores Enjoy a Renaissance

Indie booksellers everywhere were disappointed when the American Booksellers Association called off this year's Winter Institute in Cincinnati, but local booksellers were even more disappointed: they had been looking forward to showing off their city’s rich literary offerings. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2022-02-25 05:00:00 UTC ]
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Winter Institute Morphs Into Snow Days

After cancelling its in-person Winter Institute over Covid-19 concerns, the American Booksellers Association has announced that it will expand its virtual Snow Days event from two days to three. Originally set for March 8-9, the event will now run March 8-10. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2022-01-13 05:00:00 UTC ]
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ABA Cancels 2022 Winter Institute

Citing the alarming rise in recent infections from the Covid-19 coronavirus, the American Booksellers Association has cancelled the 2022 Winter Institute scheduled for February 13-16 in Cincinnati, Ohio. Refunds will be issued in January. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-12-28 05:00:00 UTC ]
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ABA Issues Findings Following July Member Backlash

The American Booksellers Association has released, in a letter to members from CEO Allison Hill, the findings of an internal review after two July incidents led to backlash from members. Continue reading at Publishers Weekly

[ Publishers Weekly | 2021-08-09 04:00:00 UTC ]
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