A Look Inside Pitchfork’s New Weekly Podcast, “The Pitchfork Review”

Among the revelations from Condé Nast's virtual NewFronts presentation last week was the launch of a dedicated podcast network, including seven new audio series tied to various brands in its portfolio. One of those, "The Pitchfork Review," debuts next week, comprising a weekly series hosted by Pitchfork editor-in-chief Puja Patel and featuring "intimate conversations" with the music publication's editors about new releases and news and trends impacting the industry. "I’ve been extremely eager for us to get a podcast going since I first landed here," says Patel, the former editor-in-chief of Spin, who joined Pitchfork as EIC late in 2018. "It feels to me that Pitchfork should be a listening experience. Given that we are a music publication, it only makes sense. But I think what we are trying to get across with the podcast is really a kind of augmented, behind-the-curtain look at what happens with the site, across features, across reviews, and across some of the myth-making of how [album] scores happen, as well." If the podcast's title sounds familiar, it's because it's the same as the title of Pitchfork's highly produced but relatively short lived quarterly print edition, which was discontinued after 11 issues in 2017. But despite the name, the regularly scheduled frequency and the in-depth discussion, Patel says it's not simply a matter of applying the print magazine format to a new medium. "It definitely has more urgency to it," Patel tells Folio:. "It’s pointedly... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2020-07-01 17:31:18 UTC ]
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