"Why can't I ever dream about food?" Bee wonders in an episode of "Bee and PuppyCat." But her worries may be over. "Easy Eats: A Bee and PuppyCat Cookbook" is on the way this summer. Created by Natasha Allegri, "Bee and PuppyCat" centers on the adventures of the titular Bee, a young woman whose... Continue reading at 'Los Angeles Times'
[ Los Angeles Times | 2016-02-13 00:00:00 UTC ]
Temim Fruchter’s debut novel centers around a young woman, Shiva, seeking answers about her family’s past after the death of her father. Told in revolving perspectives, between women in Shiva’s family and a mysterious, omniscient narrator, the book explores the interior lives of women,... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2024-01-24 12:00:00 UTC ]
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Temim Fruchter’s debut novel centers around a young woman, Shiva, seeking answers about her family’s past after the death of her father. Told in revolving perspectives, between women in Shiva’s family and a mysterious, omniscient narrator, the book explores the interior lives of women,... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2024-01-24 12:00:00 UTC ]
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Electric Literature is pleased to reveal the cover for the novel If Only by Vigdis Hjorth, which will be published by Verso Books on September 3, 2024. Preorder the book here. “A relatively young woman, aged thirty. She married in her early twenties, had two children. It is winter. January and... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2024-01-01 12:00:00 UTC ]
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The wide-ranging collection A Memoir of My Former Self: A Life in Writing features subjects from her health struggles to Robocop and has been announced a year after the author’s deathA collection of journalistic writing by Hilary Mantel is to be published next month, just over a year after the... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2023-09-07 05:00:18 UTC ]
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Groundbreaking kids’ series A Kind of Spark is staffed by neurodivergent talent and treats its lead character like almost no other on TV. It’s cool, fun and powerfulNever before has there been a cool, edgy kids TV series that can attest to hiring neurodivergent actors, performing a script... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2023-04-11 15:12:44 UTC ]
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Formative love affairs and sentimental educations are classic novelistic territory. And for good reason— these connections serve as catalysts, tell stories taut with tension, and leave characters forever changed. Madelaine Lucas’s debut novel Thirst for Salt describes such a relationship, set in... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2023-03-09 12:00:00 UTC ]
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Lindy Elkins-Tanton, lead scientist for NASA’s Psyche mission, describes challenges and successes in “A Portrait of the Scientist as a Young Woman.” Continue reading at The Christian Science Monitor
[ The Christian Science Monitor | 2022-07-14 20:06:29 UTC ]
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Many of us know Michelle Hart from her wonderful work highlighting queer writers when she was the assistant books editor at O, the Oprah Magazine. Now, she has her own novel to add to the fold: We Do What We Do In The Dark, an exquisitely written, intimately affecting novel about Mallory, a... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2022-05-03 11:00:00 UTC ]
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Ayanna Lloyd Banwo’s debut novel When We Were Birds begins in the time before time and follows the uneasy truce between the living and the dead. Cigarettes are offered, liquor is poured, prayers are said, all in the hope that the buried stay buried. This is the story of Yejide, a young woman who... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2022-04-01 11:00:00 UTC ]
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The country music superstar has teamed up with the novelist James Patterson to write Run, Rose, Run, which will be published in MarchFirst globally successful entertainer, then heroic sponsor of the Moderna coronavirus vaccine, and now novelist … Dolly Parton seems determined to prove that there... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2021-08-11 16:27:28 UTC ]
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Author James Patterson and singer Dolly Parton have teamed up to write a novel about a young woman who comes to Nashville to pursue her music-making dreams. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2021-08-11 08:44:53 UTC ]
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Hodder will publish Jodi Picoult’s new novel, Wish You Were Here, inspired by the global pandemic and about how a young woman's life unravels in lockdown. Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2021-05-07 10:03:28 UTC ]
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Lauren Oyler’s debut novel brings the reader down a rabbit hole of endless, mindless scrolling, online identities, and conspiracy theories. Fake Accounts follows the journey of a young woman after she discovers that her boyfriend is running an Instagram account spouting dangerous conspiracies... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2021-02-26 12:00:00 UTC ]
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On this episode of Personal Space: The Memoir Show, Sari Botton interviews Pam Mandel, whose book, The Same River Twice: A Memoir of Dirtbag Backpackers, Bomb Shelters, and Bad Travel, is out from Skyhorse Publishing. The book charts Mandel’s travels abroad as a young woman trying to figure out... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2021-01-29 09:48:53 UTC ]
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Yōko Ogawa’s acclaimed surrealist novel—the story of a young woman, struggling to maintain her career as a writer on a island where objects are disappearing, who concocts a plan to hide her endangered editor from the Memory Police—was one of the sleeper hits of 2019, garnering rave reviews, a... Continue reading at Literrary Hub
[ Literrary Hub | 2020-10-09 15:15:45 UTC ]
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Clare Chambers’ latest novel, set in England in the 1950s, centres on a young woman’s mysterious claim of a ‘virgin birth’ Continue reading at The Bookseller
[ The Bookseller | 2020-06-24 15:23:06 UTC ]
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My novel The Perfect World of Miwako Sumida is a story of how a young woman’s unexplained suicide shapes and transforms the lives of those she left behind. It’s a literary mystery with elements of magical realism set in Japan, not unlike my debut novel Rainbirds. Because of these, I am often... Continue reading at Electric Literature
[ Electric Literature | 2020-03-09 11:00:00 UTC ]
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Hilary Leichter’s brisk, wildly imaginative book tracks a young woman’s experiences in 23 jobs, including one on a pirate ship. Continue reading at The New York Times
[ The New York Times | 2020-02-25 17:40:43 UTC ]
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