5 Guiding Principles for Doing Branded Content Right

We’re living in the age of content; it touches most every facet of our lives. It’s the conversation you had with Alexa this morning, the Apple News story you skimmed on your way to work, the mid-meeting Twitter notification, the professionally shot five-second Instagram boomerang of you and your friends at the pop-up shop you swung by after work. More content means more content creators. As the demand for content swells, standards for quality remain as important as ever, and standing out becomes more difficult. Audiences, both inundated by content and content creators themselves—posting their own Tweets and Instagram Stories throughout the day—are becoming savvier at filtering what is relevant and interesting and worthy. To tell their stories in this environment, brands want to enlist storytelling experts—and journalists are the ultimate storytellers. My years as a magazine editor—at Travel + Leisure magazine and New York magazine—and as a freelance travel journalist have taught me that journalists do more than write copy. We’re truth-seekers, naturally inquisitive and skeptical, guided by an established set of ethics that, among other things, require transparency, presenting painstakingly researched facts and acting with integrity, independently of conflicts of interest. Journalists naturally put audience first and brand second, meaning there’s an inherent tension between journalism and marketing—and therein lies the magic. Journalists do in-depth research and weave the... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2019-04-05 00:00:00 UTC ]
News tagged with: #independent sources

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