#project began

Publishing news tagged with #project began

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Modders made a tiny Nintendo Wii that doubles as a keychain

The Nintendo Wii was a bona-fide cultural juggernaut, with over 100 million consoles sold during its lifespan. It was never the biggest console in the world, with a size approximating a paperback book. Modders, however, have managed to shrink the Wii’s footprint way down. They made a functional... Continue reading at 'Engadget'

[ Engadget | 2024-07-24 18:53:47 UTC ]
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Meet the novelists who are re-analyzing HBO’s Girls.

For the past two years, the novelist Alice Elliott Dark has been sending out missives on the writing and reading life via her popular weekly Substack, “Alice on Sunday.” But this March, Dark applied her platform to a curious task: recapping and analyzing old episodes of HBO’s Girls.  The project... Continue reading at 'Literrary Hub'

[ Literrary Hub | 2024-05-13 18:56:54 UTC ]
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