#home city

Publishing news tagged with #home city

Page 1 of 1 pages

Samira Shackle | 'I enjoyed writing in a more descriptive way than you would in journalism'

Pakistan, and particularly her mother's home city of Karachi, have long held a fascination for British journalist Samira Shackle. In fact, in 2012 she quit her job at the New Statesman and for a year became a Karachiite. Shackle says: “I had an urge to reconnect with this heritage—this was... Continue reading at 'The Bookseller'

[ The Bookseller | 2021-02-26 06:47:55 UTC ]
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A Gorgeous Nightmare: On Mark Z. Danielewski’s “The Little Blue Kite”

LOS ANGELES–BASED AUTHOR Mark Z. Danielewski recently published a strange picture book called The Little Blue Kite. The project marks an unexpected pivot from his most recent experimental quintet, The Familiar: Volumes 1–5 (2015–’17), which Danielewski described as a “love letter” to his home... Continue reading at 'Los Angeles Review of Books'

[ Los Angeles Review of Books | 2020-02-14 20:00:12 UTC ]
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