#harder sell

Publishing news tagged with #harder sell

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Sonos home theater gear is up to 25 percent off, plus the rest of the best tech deals this week

Depending on what you buy and where you shop, many online purchases should arrive before December 25th, so if you're still working through your gift list, it might not be too late. Even if you're just looking for deals in general, there are plenty out there. Despite the fact that the official... Continue reading at 'Engadget'

[ Engadget | 2023-12-08 17:45:42 UTC ]
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Conversations with Friends: the frustrating awkwardness of a much-hyped series

The adaptation of Sally Rooney’s first novel can’t quite bring tricky source material – repressed characters, digital communication – to lifeIt was always unlikely that Conversations with Friends, the new Hulu and BBC adaptation of Sally Rooney’s first novel, would be able to repeat the... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2022-05-24 06:05:00 UTC ]
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