#facebook video

Publishing news tagged with #facebook video

Digiday Research: Are publishers making money from Facebook video?

Digiday Research talked with publishers to understand their strategies for monetizing content of Facebook. The post Digiday Research: Are publishers making money from Facebook video? appeared first on Digiday. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2018-01-18 00:00:00 UTC ]

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‘Facebook is the engine’: Overheard at Digiday Moguls

Over three days in Miami Beach, top publishing executives weighed in on Facebook video, user experience challenges and platform publishing. The post ‘Facebook is the engine’: Overheard at Digiday Moguls appeared first on Digiday. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2017-09-20 00:00:00 UTC ]

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How One Publisher Is Using Data to Make Insanely Viral Facebook Videos for Millennial Moms

This spring, Blossom posted a Facebook video that began with an image of women's underwear and featured seven tidy hacks for organizing your clothes. The post racked up a staggering 382 million views and nearly 12 million shares, making it the most viral video in Facebook history, according to... Continue reading >>
[ Source: AdWeek | 2017-08-21 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Publishers are using Facebook video to drive commerce revenue

Facebook’s embrace of video hasn’t done much good for publishers' balance sheets, so some have looked to make it a commerce driver. The post Publishers are using Facebook video to drive commerce revenue appeared first on Digiday. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2017-05-15 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Inside Fatherly’s very grown-up viral video strategy

Plenty of publishers are fretting about the time, posts and resources they are pouring into Facebook, especially Facebook video. But Fatherly, a millennial dad-focused website that's piled up more than 300 million video views this year, has had great success using its viral hits to convert... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2016-08-16 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Viral site LittleThings is big on Facebook, but not Facebook video yet

Viral content site LittleThings, which specializes in uplifting and -- more recently -- how-to video content, has been averaging 80-120 million views per month since August. All of these views are occurring on LittleThings.com, as the publisher has focused on its website ahead of social... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2015-11-19 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Food publishers are early winners of Facebook video

Publishers trying to make heads or tails of Facebook video can learn a thing or two from food sites. Two of the most popular Facebook video publishers cover food: BuzzFeed food got 390 million Facebook video views in June, while video network Tastemade's output was watched 165 million views... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Digiday | 2015-07-20 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Firefox and Chrome give browser plug-ins the cold shoulder

All of a sudden, the browser plug-in as we know it is starting to look mighty unpopular. Microsoft barred plug-ins from the modern UI version of Internet Explorer 10 right out of the Windows 8 gate, and this week, the other two major browsers advanced plans to nerf the out-of-the-box... Continue reading >>
[ Source: PC World | 2013-09-25 00:00:00 UTC ]

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