Science fiction often provides a valuable roadmap for thinking about the future. In the case of “Legend of Sumeria,” the future has arrived. Back in 2011, the analyst Peter Sondergaard famously told the business world, “Information is the oil of the 21st century, and analytics is the combustion... Continue reading >> [ Source: Fast Company | 2019-05-18 09:24:59 UTC ]
Like many people across the business world, publishers have a skeptical view of so-called Big Data, seeing it as “the next big hype.” Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2014-05-02 00:00:00 UTC ]
Like many people across the business world, publishers have a skeptical view of so-called Big Data, seeing it as “the next big hype.” Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2014-04-04 00:00:00 UTC ]