#book industry

Publishing news tagged with #book industry

The Binc Foundation: 25 Years of Supporting Booksellers

As it celebrates its 25th anniversary, the Book Industry Charitable Foundation has never had a bigger part to play in supporting booksellers and comics stores Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2021-08-06 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Authors Guild Diversity Webinar Asks: Can Book Publishing Change?

The Authors Guild's virtual panel "Centering Black Voices: Short-Term Progress or Sustainable Change?," held on July 27, offered a wide-ranging examination of the history and potential of the book industry’s continuing struggle to address diversity. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2021-07-30 04:00:00 UTC ]

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AAP’s StatShot: US Publishing Up 11.1 Percent in May

The monthly report from the Association of American Publishers sees the United States' book industry up 23.4 percent year-to-date. The post AAP’s StatShot: US Publishing Up 11.1 Percent in May appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishing Perspectives | 2021-07-21 21:23:01 UTC ]

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High Costs, Services Disruptions Plague Book Biz Supply Chain

Truck driver shortages, widespread port congestion, and skyrocketing container costs are among the biggest challenges facing the book industry supply chain for the rest of the year and into 2022, panelists on a July 6 BISG webinar looking at freight and shipping issues agreed. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2021-07-07 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Trade should not assume pandemic success will continue, LBF hears

Booksellers and publishers should not assume that the growth in the book industry seen throughout the pandemic will continue, the London Book Fair has heard.  Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2021-07-01 14:45:12 UTC ]

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Binc Gives $1.1 Million to Bookstores, Comic Shops

The Book Industry Charitable Foundation has announced that its Survive to Thrive grant program will award a total of $1.1 million to 115 bookstores and comic shops: 99 stores will receive $10,000 and 16 will receive $7,500. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2021-06-22 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Abu Dhabi International Book Fair Expands Translation Grants for Exhibitors

Organizers have expanded the 'Spotlight on Rights' translation grants in 2021 in support for the book industry. The post Abu Dhabi International Book Fair Expands Translation Grants for Exhibitors appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishing Perspectives | 2021-05-21 13:30:25 UTC ]

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Fail again, fail better

Here is a call for those of us involved in writing - and perhaps in all sectors of the book industry - to speak openly about failure and its ubiquity. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2021-05-14 04:02:04 UTC ]

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BISG Annual Meeting Examines Sustainability on a Number of Levels

The Book Industry Study Group's annual meeting focused on issues around book publishing’s impact on the environment, the continuing effect of the pandemic on the supply chain, and the industry’s response, examined under the theme of “Publishing for a Sustainable Future.” Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2021-04-27 04:00:00 UTC ]

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US Book Industry Charitable Foundation Raises $1 Million for Bookstores

Ingram Content Group seeds Binc's 'Survive to Thrive' bookstore grant program, with additional major support from publishers and Bookshop.org. The post US Book Industry Charitable Foundation Raises $1 Million for Bookstores appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishing Perspectives | 2021-04-01 14:26:57 UTC ]

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Columbia, Howard University to Launch Black Studies Book Series, Diversity Program

Columbia University Press, in collaboration with Howard University and Columbia University, is launching a new Black studies book series, with plans to also recruit and train students for the book industry. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2021-03-03 05:00:00 UTC ]

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According to data, Black and Latinx Millennials are keeping the book industry alive.

Surprisingly, despite the heavy toll taken by the COVID-19 pandemic on brick and mortar bookstores (especially independent brick and mortar bookstores) nationwide, US book sales actually increased by 8 percent in 2020. What demographic is responsible for keeping the industry alive and thriving... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2021-02-23 19:04:39 UTC ]

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Open letter calls for publishing boycott of Trump administration memoirs

More than 500 book industry professionals have added their names to a call for publishers not to sign up veterans of the departing president’s governmentFive-hundred American authors and literary professionals have signed a letter calling on US publishers not to sign book deals with members of... Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Guardian | 2021-01-19 16:25:50 UTC ]

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Here are some awesome literary organizations to support this #GivingTuesday.

Now that you’ve purchased new house slippers, a floor lamp, and an air fryer at slight discounts (anyone else? just me?), why not consider donating a few dollars to these very worthy literary organizations, nonprofits, and volunteer-run bookshops? * ORGANIZATIONS Book Industry Charitable... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2020-12-01 19:39:08 UTC ]

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A year of disruption

It is worth taking a moment to thank our lucky stars that the book industry has fared significantly better than many other industries this year. People have looked to us to entertain, inform and educate them, and publishers, authors, booksellers and librarians have responded. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2020-11-05 19:05:39 UTC ]

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French Publishers’ Appeal to Government: Leave Our Bookstores Open

Saying that a new coronavirus lockdown could mean 'cultural isolation for readers,' France's book industry asks for a special exception. The post French Publishers’ Appeal to Government: Leave Our Bookstores Open appeared first on Publishing Perspectives. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishing Perspectives | 2020-10-28 16:38:45 UTC ]

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Ninety budding authors to receive trade tutelage through HC’s Author Academy

HarperCollins affiliate publisher Rose Sandy reveals the details of its new Author Academy, which will give 90 emerging talents guidance as to how the book industry functions. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2020-10-15 22:41:09 UTC ]

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BIC, BISG and BookNet Canada form green book supply chain alliance

Book Industry Communication (BIC) has formed an international green book supply chain alliance with BookNet Canada and US body the Book Industry Study Group (BISG). Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2020-09-29 14:41:05 UTC ]

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Industry Groups Unite in Environmental Initiative

In the first major industry-wide environmental initiative in several years, the Book Industry Study Group, along with BookNet Canada and the U.K.-based Book Industry Communications, have formed the International Green Book Supply Chain Alliance. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2020-09-29 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Did a Revolution in Latin American Publishing Make One Hundred Years of Solitude the Success It Is Today?

When One Hundred Years of Solitude hit the market in 1967, the book industry in Spanish was booming. This situation was unimaginable for most writers and critics just a few years before. “How can literature exist,” writer Mario Vargas Llosa asked, “in countries where there are no publishing... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2020-09-11 08:48:47 UTC ]

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