Why We Still Need to Investigate the Rolling Stone Rape Story

This week, Rolling Stone editor Jann Wenner asked the Columbia Journalism School to review Sabrina Rubin Erdely’s story about a gang rape at the University of Virginia. As it became clear that the story’s central incident—a gang rape of a freshman at a fraternity—did not happen as Rolling Stone claimed it did, the magazine’s editors initially said they would reinvestigate the piece themselves. Now, they have turned the project over to Columbia Journalism School Dean Steve Coll, a Pulitzer Prize–winning reporter, as well as the school’s dean of academic affairs Sheila Coronel. Coll, who said Rolling Stone would give Columbia “unfettered access” to staff and materials, indicated that he would focus mostly on the editorial process, but that he would move “in any direction along the way that we believe would be germane and of public interest,” which leaves the door open to re-reporting the story. Continue reading at 'Slate'

[ Slate | 2014-12-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
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