Why Relying on Facebook and Google Comes With Trade-Offs for Brands

  brightcove.createExperiences(); COLOGNE, Germany—While Facebook and Google are dominating digital ad budgets (and increasingly, consumers' time) because they give marketers sophisticated and granular targeting, advertisers are getting squeezed with the amount of data that the so-called walled gardens are notorious for not providing. On the flip side, "open" environments—like a publisher's website—give marketers more data, but they don't have on-par targeting tools. At Dmexco, Adweek talked with Benoit Cacheux, global head of digital and innovation at Zenith Optimedia Group, about how brands are managing data and why they should be cautious about giving companies too much control. "At the moment, a lot of our clients are running things almost in silos, so they're doing a lot of things inside the Facebook environment versus more open environments where there's less information available, but you're relying on other sources of data to be able to understand your consumer," he said. "It's trying to stitch those elements together, which is difficult." Continue reading at 'AdWeek'

[ AdWeek | 2016-09-15 00:00:00 UTC ]

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