Novelist Bernardine Evaristo fears ‘return to the literary invisibility of the past’ as research finds attempts to encourage diversity have stalledBlack and Asian authors in the UK say they are being shoehorned by a publishing industry which is almost blindingly white into writing fiction that conforms to a stereotypical view of their communities.Interviewed as part of a major new piece of research into diversity in publishing, the award-winning novelist Bernadine Evaristo was scathing in her indictment of the British books world. “Three decades ago, few novels were published by Britain’s Black and Asian novelists, while 20 years ago, a breakthrough occurred that became a short-lived trend,” said the author of Blonde Roots, a novel that flips history to put whites in the role of slaves. But “for the past few years, we have seen a return to the literary invisibility of the past, concealed by a deceptive tokenism.” Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'
[ The Guardian | 2015-04-15 00:00:00 UTC ]