Next episode in ebook drama

The future of electronic books started a new chapter as Barnes & Noble Inc. edged closer to a breakup and a judge thumped Apple Inc. on pricing.William Lynch, chief executive of the country's largest bookstore chain, stepped down. Instead of filling the top post, Barnes & Noble promoted Chief Financial Officer Michael Huseby to the dual role of president of the company and CEO of Nook Media. Mr. Huseby joins the scene with experience in splitting businesses up—he most recently directed a spin-off at Cablevision Systems Corp.The New York-based bookseller has already moved to separate its digital and retail divisions, and it's now outsourcing the manufacturing of its color Nook, an acknowledgment that the e-reader trails Apple's iPad and Amazon's Kindle Fire. Now Leonard Riggio, the chain's chairman and largest shareholder, says he will offer to buy Barnes & Noble's 670-plus retail stores and its website, leaving Nook Media as a standalone company. Kindle Fire got a windfall last week when a federal judge ruled that Apple, scheming with five of the biggest publishers, violated antitrust laws and forced Amazon into deals that made it difficult to offer ebooks at low prices. Facing damages and restrictions, Apple plans to appeal. HOORAY! HE SHUTTLE ENTERPRISE reopened at a temporary home, eight months after Superstorm Sandy damaged it. OY VEY! MOSQUITOES with West Nile virus showed up in parts of Queens and Staten Island for the first time this season. 'It... Continue reading at 'Crains New York'

[ Crains New York | 2013-07-14 00:00:00 UTC ]

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