By Tim Conneally, Betanews Google on Thursday finally launched a renewed web-based Android Market that integrates with a user's Google account and lets him shop for applications and send them to the various Android-powered devices linked to the account. This new shop marks the industry-wide trend toward comprehensive device-agnostic software shopping solutions.Amazon's Kindle store was the first major shopping outlet to take such a step. Users can shop for Kindle-formatted ebooks on, and push their purchases to their Kindle device, regardless of whether it's a dedicated e-paper reader or a software application. ABI Research released a study on Friday which said the market for digital content will not be tied to the success or failure of any single gadget, despite the widespread misconception that a single tablet or e-reader could "win" the market."Consumers can purchase digital texts through their PCs or smartphones, in addition to buying directly through their eReaders," said Larry Fisher, research director of NextGen, ABI Research's emerging technologies research incubator. "The variety of applications that allow people to buy this digital content reassures them that they won't be tied to a single store--or device--for content."Similar to the "write once, run anywhere" ideal, the key to success in future e-commerce will be the ability to list once, buy anywhere. Using common Web development standards and handy new HTML5 capabilities, mobile network operators,... Continue reading at 'Betanews'
[ Betanews | 2011-02-05 00:00:00 UTC ]