Nascar Tries Science-and-Math Push to Catch Kids' Interest During School

On the eve of the biggest event of the Sprint Cup Series, Nascar is beginning an effort to get kids more interested in science and math through auto racing.Timed to coincide with Sunday's 57th Daytona 500, the Nascar Acceleration Nation program will look to steer primary schoolers into a greater proficiency in the so-called STEM subject: science, technology, engineering, and math. The offensive includes a website,; a classroom curriculum developed by Nascar in conjunction with education publisher Scholastic; and a 6,400-square foot mobile interactive unit to engage kids at the track.Acceleration Nation, of course, also represents a chance to infuse new blood into the sport's fan base. Most kids who are Nascar fans were indoctrinated by their parents and grandparents before them, but given the demographics of stock car fandom -- per Nielsen, 49% of Nascar enthusiasts are at least 55 years old -- it can't hurt to draw in a whole bunch of novices. Continue reading at Continue reading at 'Advertising Age'

[ Advertising Age | 2015-02-20 00:00:00 UTC ]

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