‘Lachlan gets fired the day Rupert dies’: Murdoch biography stokes succession rumors

New book by Australian reporter Paddy Manning hints at Succession-style feud with ramifications for US rightwing politicsIt’s long been thought that the succession plan for Lachlan Murdoch to take control of Fox Corporation and News Corp was set in stone for when his 91-year-old father, Rupert Murdoch dies.But a new book is stoking speculation that Murdoch’s oldest son might be ousted in a Succession-style feud with his family, in a move with potentially huge ramifications for Fox News, the TV network that dominates US rightwing politics, according to a new biography of the Anglo-Australian media heir. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'

[ The Guardian | 2022-10-31 13:39:54 UTC ]

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