Fay Evans alleges a ‘striking similarity’ between the 2019 Excitable Edgar TV campaign and her 2017 book Fred the Fire-Sneezing DragonThe author of a self-published children’s book about a dragon that causes havoc with its fiery sneezes is suing John Lewis over its 2019 Christmas ad about a trouble-making dragon, Excitable Edgar.Fay Evans alleges in her copyright infringement claim that there is a “striking similarity” between her picture book, Fred the Fire-Sneezing Dragon, which she published herself in September 2017, and John Lewis’s two-year-old ad. John Lewis “strongly” denies the allegations, saying that the concept was first presented to it in early 2016, and it has documentation to prove this. Continue reading... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'
[ The Guardian | 2021-11-16 14:46:45 UTC ]