Mainstream mags may be shutting down, but specialist publishing has never been in healthier shape. So which magazines should you be subscribing to?While mainstream magazines are seeing sales fall, and long-standing titles such as Loaded are printing their final issues, the world of niche, independent mags is going from strength to strength. Instead of trying to cater for as many people as possible, they take the opposite approach, targeting the most specific audiences they can find. There are titles to cater for every conceivable interest, from Gratuitous Type for typography nerds to Cherry Bombe for women who love food, Kindling for modern dads, and Cat People for creatives who really love cats.What’s the source of print’s reprieve? For starters, dDigital media, the supposed grim reaper of mainstream print has become the greatest ally of the indie world. From finding contributors, suppliers and readers, to putting an issue together, just about every aspect of getting a magazine in the hands of readers has been made easier by the internet. There’s something about the physical experience of reading a magazine that glass screens just can’t beat. And while the way we use printed magazines may change – nowadays it’s less about fast, cheap distribution of information and more about creating covetable, collectable, coffee- table-worthy objects – there will always be a role for them. It seems ringing the death knell is right up there with other silly claims such as: the record... Continue reading at 'The Guardian'
[ The Guardian | 2015-04-06 00:00:00 UTC ]
Cuts have eroded the quantity and quality of the press. We must have a say on where to go nextHere is the news. Newspaper publishing revenues from both circulation and print advertising, have plunged by more than half over the past decade, down from almost £7bn to just over £3bn. Here’s more... Continue reading at The Guardian
[ The Guardian | 2018-07-01 00:00:00 UTC ]
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