AARP Widens Its Lead as America’s Most-Read Magazine

As it does twice each year, GfK MRI released its latest round of magazine audience estimates—the average per-issue readership among U.S. adults for about 200 of the most widely-read magazines—based on consumer research conducted over a nine-month period. The Spring 2018 figures—drawn from the two most recent waves of survey data, running from September 2017 to May 2018—reveal that AARP The Magazine has extended its lead over People as America's most widely-read print magazine pound-for-pound, averaging an estimated 38.6 million readers per issue. AARP first overtook People for the top ranking in GfK's Fall 2017 report. While the majority of the top-ten titles saw a decline in print readership as compared to the Spring 2017 numbers, that figure represents an increase of about 0.2 percent for AARP, which the data suggest has increased its average print audience by about 105,000 readers per issue since a year ago. While its average reader increased slightly in age (64 years this year compared to 63 years, six months in Spring 2017) AARP—which publishes three separate editions of each issue for readers aged 50 to 59, 60 to 69, and 70 and up—says it's gained 479,000 readers aged 60 or younger in the past six months alone. The Costco Connection—the only other freely-distributed, membership-based magazine in the top 10—also happened to be the only other title to see a year-over-year gain in average per-issue readership, adding a little over one-million new readers for an... Continue reading at 'Folio Magazine'

[ Folio Magazine | 2018-06-22 00:00:00 UTC ]

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