Rupert Murdoch launches a new channel, C4 is threatened and notions of impartiality seem up for grabs. Are we seeing a challenge to the old order?Britain’s stubborn attachment to non-Tory values infuriates and worries Conservative politicians to equal degree. Yes, there is a suspicion of... Continue reading >> [ Source: The Guardian | 2021-09-19 07:00:29 UTC ]
The power of the rightwing press has corroded public debate. But we can do more than just complain about itIn February 2016, a few months before the referendum, Donald Tusk published the European Council’s draft plans for renegotiating Britain’s relationship with the EU. David Cameron was... Continue reading >> [ Source: The Guardian | 2019-11-15 06:00:01 UTC ]
IN 1988, Verso Books published a collection of writings by cultural theorist Stuart Hall titled The Hard Road to Renewal: Thatcherism and the Crisis of the Left. Hall’s work examined the socio-economic conditions and discursive tactics that led to the ascendance of Margaret Thatcher as an... Continue reading >> [ Source: Los Angeles Review of Books | 2019-08-13 17:00:24 UTC ]