Creators including Michael Deforge, Lemony Snicket, and Tillie Walden have partnered with the independent San Francisco–based comics publisher and comics shop Silver Sprocket on one-of-a-kind prints to support a new fundraising effort. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2024-10-09 04:00:00 UTC ]
Two Eisner Award winners—Tillie Walden and Jeff Smith—spoke with editor-in-chief Heidi MacDonald at the U.S. Book Show on May 22 about their forthcoming work: Walden’s 'Clementine (Vol. 2)' and Smith’s companion to his long-running BONE comic book series, 'More Tall Tales.' Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2023-05-26 04:00:00 UTC ]
Tillie Walden will discuss 'Clementine, Book 2,' her second book set in the universe of The Walking Dead, with fellow graphic novelist Jeff Smith and the 'Beat' editor-in-chief Heidi MacDonald on May 23. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2023-05-12 04:00:00 UTC ]
Middle grade books in SPAAAAACE! Check out some middle grade science fiction comics set in space, including On a Sunbeam by Tillie Walden. Continue reading >> [ Source: Book Riot | 2021-04-13 10:36:00 UTC ]
Tillie Walden’s 'Are You Listening?; (First Second) was awarded the 2020 Eisner Award for the Best New Graphic Novel, during an online version of the annual awards ceremony that was streamed the evening of July 24. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2020-07-27 04:00:00 UTC ]