#samantha irby

Publishing news tagged with #samantha irby

Most Anticipated: The Great 2023A Book Preview

Welcome to our biannual Great Book Preview! We’ve assembled the best books of 2023A (that is, the first half of 2023), including new work from Nicole Chung, Tsitsi Dangarembga, Claire Dederer, Brian Dillon, Samantha Irby, Heidi Julavits, Catherine Lacy, Mario Vargas Llosa, Rebecca Makkai,... Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Millions | 2023-01-09 10:30:00 UTC ]

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Kick off Pride Month by reading these Lambda Literary Award winners.

For over 30 years, Lambda Literary has been celebrating LGBTQ literature. This vital organization has been an advocate and support system for LGBTQ writers, their communities, and their stories. In lieu of an in-person ceremony, Lambda Literary will be hosting a series of virtual happy hours all... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2020-06-01 14:48:51 UTC ]

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Personal Space: Samantha Irby is Fine Not Leaving the House

This is Personal Space: The Memoir Show, with Sari Botton. On this episode, Botton speaks with Samantha Irby about her recently released essay collection, Wow, No Thank You. Irby discusses what it was like to move to a small town in the country after a lifetime of city living, how people wearing... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2020-04-16 20:00:01 UTC ]

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