#renowned author

Publishing news tagged with #renowned author

Jacqueline Woodson to Deliver Lunchtime Keynote at U.S. Book Show

Renowned author and NBA winner Jacqueline Woodson will present the lunchtime keynote address at the U.S. Book Show on May 24. The in-person talk will focus on Woodson’s forthcoming book for middle grade readers, 'Remember Us.' Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2023-04-11 04:00:00 UTC ]

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Why JK Rowling's empire is lowering the drawbridge

The renowned author's digital publishing house, Pottermore, has retained a monopoly on the sale of Harry Potter ebooks and audio titles ever since its launch. But times they are a-changing, and the company's strategy is undergoing seismic shifts. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Christian Science Monitor | 2016-01-31 00:00:00 UTC ]

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JK Rowling's empire lowers the drawbridge, boosts profits

The renowned author's digital publishing house, Pottermore, has retained a monopoly on the sale of Harry Potter ebooks and audio titles ever since its launch. But times they are a-changing, and the company's strategy is undergoing seismic shifts. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Christian Science Monitor | 2016-01-29 00:00:00 UTC ]

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