BNP Media is shuttering five of its trade magazines and merging others in a round of downsizing that will see several employees let go over the coming weeks. Appliance Design, Ceramic Industry, Hotel F&B, Reeves Journal and the Spanish-language Industria Alimenticia will each shut down by... Continue reading >> [ Source: Folio Magazine | 2019-03-26 00:00:00 UTC ]
It's no secret that events can be a great source of ancillary revenue for magazine publishers. Perhaps more implicit, however, is that events can develop and grow a community of engaged stakeholders-beyond the readership. In St. Louis, a regional magazine has been skillfully developing its event... Continue reading >> [ Source: Folio Magazine | 2014-03-12 00:00:00 UTC ]
When you read the literature of journalism these days you might think that you must hurry to carve out your place in the digital world. That may be so for newspapers, but it is not so for magazines, particularly not for regional magazines. Continue reading >> [ Source: Folio Magazine | 2011-06-16 00:00:00 UTC ]