Lamya H’s powerful memoir Hijab Butch Blues is an honest grappling with what it means to be queer, to be a devout hijabi Muslim person who resists gender normativity, to love faith and community. Seeking other queer women in Islam as a young person, H wonders if Maryam, whom no man has touched,...
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[ Source: Electric Literature | 2023-06-29 11:12:00 UTC ]
“Everything is copy.” That was an Ephron family saying that I’ve adopted as my own maxim, and it is in that spirit that my debut novel A World Between––a tale of two queer women of color, Eleanor and Leena, who grow away from and towards each other over the course of 13 years––is a web […]
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[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2020-09-15 08:48:45 UTC ]
Celebrate Pride Month and queer voices by reading these three captivating audiobook memoirs written and narrated by queer women.
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[ Source: Book Riot | 2020-06-22 10:36:19 UTC ]