#publishing projects

Publishing news tagged with #publishing projects

Digital Solutions in India 2018: Showcasing Their Expertise

Collectively, digital solutions vendors in India are functioning like a major hospital. Most of the time, they are expected to jump in at critical moments to bring urgent solutions to publishing projects, much like emergency medicine personnel handling trauma and unscheduled patients. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2018-06-29 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Adaptive Studios Acquires the Zane Grey Literary Estate

The studio has acquired the estate of classic western novelist Zane Grey, with plans to revive the novelist's works and brand by developing film, TV, and publishing projects for a new generation. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2018-04-20 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Skybound Books Gets Ready For Liftoff

Six months after unveiling Skybound Books, a joint partnership between the media company Skybound Entertainment and Simon & Schuster’s Atria imprint, three new publishing projects are in the works at the Los Angeles–based imprint. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2018-02-23 00:00:00 UTC ]

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EU funds £2.5m literary projects in UK

The European Union's cultural funding programme Creative Europe has helped to finance around €2.6m (£2.3m) worth of writing or publishing projects in the UK since it was established in 2014, The Bookseller can reveal. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2017-07-14 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Kickstarter Hits $100 Million Mark for Publishing Projects

Since its launch in 2009, Kickstarter has raised over $100 million for publishing projects, $21 million of which was raised last year. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Publishers Weekly | 2017-02-03 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Publishing Scotland gives first translation grants

Publishing projects in Macedonia, Albania, Norway and Spain are among the recipients of the first tranche of grants from Publishing Scotland's new Translation Fund. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2016-01-26 00:00:00 UTC ]

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