#publish writers

Publishing news tagged with #publish writers

Barack Obama’s complicated media-criticism tour

As you may have noticed, Barack Obama has a book out today. It’s a memoir, titled A Promised Land, that runs to more than seven-hundred pages and is still only a first volume—covering the period from Obama’s childhood to the raid, in 2011, that killed Osama bin Laden. Originally, Obama planned... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Columbia Journalism Review | 2020-11-17 13:29:32 UTC ]

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Wylie blasts 'bewildering' global publishing

Andrew Wylie has labelled HarperCollins and other conglomerates’ models of acquiring world rights in order to publish writers in all territories “bewildering”, claiming it is not in authors’ best interests. During a keynote speech at yesterday’s (10th October) “Frankfurt Book Fair: The Markets”... Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2017-10-11 00:00:00 UTC ]

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W&N to publish writers from 'under-represented places'

Weidenfeld & Nicolson is launching Hometown Tales, a series of short books which will publish authors from underrepresented regions across the UK to bring new voices to a national audience. Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Bookseller | 2016-08-12 00:00:00 UTC ]

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