#maggie smith

Publishing news tagged with #maggie smith

Maggie Smith, Oscar-winning star of stage and screen, dies aged 89

In a career that began in the 1950s, her roles ranged from Desdemona to Miss Jean Brodie, Virginia Woolf and Minerva McGonagall• Mark Lawson: Maggie Smith was a magisterial star with the courage and talent to do absolutely everythingMaggie Smith, the prolific, multi-award-winning actor whose... Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Guardian | 2024-09-27 13:17:05 UTC ]

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This Memoir Shows How To Find Beauty In The Aftermath Of Divorce

Maggie Smith's book "You Could Make This Place Beautiful" explores the meanings behind womanhood, gender roles, family and jobs. Continue reading >>
[ Source: HuffPost | 2023-04-19 09:45:33 UTC ]

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Lit Hub Daily: April 12, 2023

“What had I done, insisting on more of us?” Maggie Smith on the anxious, silent first year of motherhood. | Lit Hub Memoir We asked, you answered: Here are 22 (more) adaptations better than the books they’re based on. | Lit Hub Film & TV Naomi Kanakia on literary transphobia. | Lit Hub... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2023-04-12 10:30:47 UTC ]

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Personal Space: Maggie Smith on Her Shift in Artistic Practice

On this episode of Personal Space: The Memoir Show, Sari Botton interviews Maggie Smith, whose inspirational memoir, Keep Moving: Notes on Loss, Creativity, and Change, is published by Atria/One Signal Publishers. In the book, Smith intersperses bits of memoir — about moving forward after... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Literrary Hub | 2020-10-09 08:48:58 UTC ]

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