Claiming famous artists operated under the auspices of modern scientific thought ignores what art is all about."Art does not have winners." This is the argument William Deresiewicz makes as he skewers political scientist Michael Suk-Young Chwe's latest book, Jane Austen, Game Theorist in The New... Continue reading >> [ Source: Fast Company | 2014-01-23 00:00:00 UTC ]
Following the scandal over Jonah Lehrer's book "Imagine" last year, Houghton Mifflin has pulled his earlier bestseller "How We Decided" from stores, citing “significant problems" with the book. Continue reading >> [ Source: Publishing Perspectives | 2013-03-03 00:00:00 UTC ]
Jonah Lehrer resigned from The New Yorker after Tablet Magazine discovered Lehrer had fabricated quotes by Bob Dylan in Lehrer's latest book "Imagine: How Creativity Works." Continue reading >> [ Source: The Christian Science Monitor | 2012-07-31 00:00:00 UTC ]
Canongate has stopped the distribution and sale of Imagine: How Creativity Works by Jonah Lehrer... Continue reading >> [ Source: The Bookseller | 2012-07-31 00:00:00 UTC ]