#jack dorsey

Publishing news tagged with #jack dorsey

My TED talk: how I took on the tech titans in their lair

For more than a year, the Observer writer has been probing a darkness at the heart of Silicon Valley. Last week, at a TED talk that became a global viral sensation, she told the tech billionaires they had broken democracy. What happened next?If Silicon Valley is the beast, then TED is its belly.... Continue reading >>
[ Source: The Guardian | 2019-04-21 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Jack Dorsey Says Mark Zuckerberg Once Killed a Goat and Served It to Him for Dinner

An interview with Twitter CEO Jack Dorsey published by Rolling Stone on Wednesday took a darkly comic turn when he was asked about his most memorable interaction with Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Continue reading >>
[ Source: Slate | 2019-01-24 00:00:00 UTC ]

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Twitter Cofounder Biz Stone Launches Jelly, A Visual Q&A Platform

Biz Stone and Ben Finkel created Jelly to function almost like a modern-day visual search engine.No matter how big the exit, it seems Silicon Valley entrepreneurs eschew retirement. In the case of Twitter (and its $2.1 billion IPO), the cofounders have continued churning out products with... Continue reading >>
[ Source: Fast Company | 2014-01-07 00:00:00 UTC ]

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