The new high-res iPad would, like so many things from Apple, seem a mixed bag for publishers. Its richer visuals raise concerns that consumers already frustrated by long download times for digital editions of magazines will have to suffer still more waiting. But some good news: Apple is... Continue reading >> [ Source: AdWeek | 2012-03-20 00:00:00 UTC ]
Apple, its products adored by consumers all over, has nonetheless had a complicated relationship with publishers, who have battled with the tech giant over its intractable position involving the sale of content on its devices. But those who have railed against Apple's hard-headedness are... Continue reading >> [ Source: AdWeek | 2011-08-25 00:00:00 UTC ]
Maybe Apple isnt so untouchable after all. The device maker, which has been locked in a battle with publishers, made a surprise concession recently, dropping a pricing requirement for its App Store that irked publishers. Before, publishers couldn't undercut the subscription price they offered... Continue reading >> [ Source: AdWeek | 2011-06-10 00:00:00 UTC ]