As a fiction writer, I’ve always felt compelled, memoir style, to pore over my life’s timeline. But in a novel, I can erase, revise, smash, crash, reconstruct, and transfigure that squiggly narrative. A novel has no obligation to mirror or represent anything familiar, recognizable, or real. And... Continue reading >> [ Source: Literrary Hub | 2023-06-28 08:52:54 UTC ]
In our series “Can Writing Be Taught?”, we partner with Catapult to ask their course instructors all our burning questions about the process of teaching writing. This month, we’re featuring Jason Schwartzman, an essayist, and fiction writer, and author of the memoir No One You Know: Strangers... Continue reading >> [ Source: Electric Literature | 2022-04-27 11:00:00 UTC ]
"I like the hybridity of literature and science. They belong together, and they certainly belong together in my head,” says Clare Weze, a trained scientist whose début novel, The Lightning Catcher, combines her love for science with her skills as a fiction writer. Continue reading >> [ Source: The Bookseller | 2021-02-11 17:35:36 UTC ]
April 2020 found the publishing industry entering a period of unexpected change as bookshops closed and the focus turned to digital sales. The COVID-19 lockdown has forced writers to re-evaluate the future in this difficult time. As a narrative psychologist and fiction writer, I am interested... Continue reading >> [ Source: The Bookseller | 2020-05-05 04:49:45 UTC ]