Hints of what’s to come in next spring’s Windows 10 Creators Update just keep on coming. Microsoft recently released Windows 10 Insider Preview build 14971, which integrates Paint 3D, turns your browser into an e-reader, shuffles Command Prompt into the shadows, and more.First up:... Continue reading >> [ Source: PC World | 2016-11-18 00:00:00 UTC ]
Rudi Lehnert asked if there’s a way to open and read .epub books in a browser. Most of the ebooks I read are in the .epub format, primarily because I’m allergic to Digital Rights Management. (An .epub can have DRM, but they usually don’t.) A handful of e-tailers sell unprotected .epub books,... Continue reading >> [ Source: PC World | 2014-02-24 00:00:00 UTC ]
Written By: Philip Jones Publication Date: Thu, 19/05/2011 - 09:59 Amazon has told US publishers that it will begin accepting digital files in the ePub format in the near future and will also allow users of its Kindle device to read ePub files. read more Continue reading >> [ Source: The Bookseller | 2011-05-19 00:00:00 UTC ]